Over the last couple years, I’ve fallen in love with painting. It’s a fabulous form of therapy for me. Recently a friend shared a website that you can subscribe to for videos of the same sort of step by step instruction you get at a paint party but that you can do at home, alone or with friends. With the right room you could easily do your very one at home paint party.
So I signed up and tried a few of the paintings myself this weekend. I did them on smaller then suggested canvases (cuz I had them on hand) so there is less detail then there could be but overall I really like the end result and think the instruction was perfect. There are lots of paintings to choose from but I picked these because they were customizable to represent our family, their themes sort of went together AND everyone knows me as the chick who only wears flip flops.
What do you think?
Check out PaintingParties.com for more info. (I paid for the subscription myself and am not affiliated with the site in any way)
The post DIY Painting Parties appeared first on ohboyohboyohboy.